義大利蛋餅Italian Omelet

This healthy and delicious omelet. You can’t help but take a bite! It is a popular home-made cuisine prepared by mothers across Italy. It is good for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.



1. 奶油放入鍋內以極小火煮至融化,加入洋蔥絲以小火炒透,隨即倒入蘆筍、蘑菇炒約1分鐘,起鍋放涼備用。

2. 蛋去殼,放入調理盆內,倒入放涼了的做法1.,加入牛蕃茄丁、彩椒丁、蒜末和火腿丁,撒入起司粉、黑胡椒和鹽,拌勻。

3. 使用烤箱:做法2.放入烤皿內,移入烤箱以上下火160℃烤約20分鐘,或使用一般鍋烤薄些,即放入的量少一些,如此較容易烤熟。

4. 使用雙壁鍋,休閒鍋或材質好的平底鍋:鍋中倒入2匙橄欖油,先將鍋面塗抹一層油,開中火,待油熱後(產生油紋)加入做法2.,蓋上鍋蓋改小火煎約10分鐘,熄火,移入外鍋燜4分鐘。

1. 帕瑪森起司和火腿本身就有鹹味,放鹽調味時需留意鹹度而調整份量。

2. 帕瑪森起司可買整塊的,要料理時再磨粉較香。

100g asparagus (cut diagonally into 1cm long slices), 1/2 can canned mushrooms (water removed and sliced), 1 onion (shredded), 2T olive oil, 1/2 red and yellow bell pepper each (diced), 1 beefsteak tomato (diced), 100g ham (diced), 1T minced garlic, 4T parmesan cheese powder, 8 eggs, 3T butter, black pepper and salt as needed

1. Melt butter in pan over low heat until done, add shredded onion and stir-fry over low heat until thoroughly cooked. Add asparagus and mushrooms, stir for about 1 minute and remove from heat to cool.

2. Break eggs into the mixing bowl, return cool method (1) along with diced beefsteak tomato, bell peppers, minced garlic and ham. Sprinkle with cheese powder, black pepper and salt to taste. Combine until evenly mixed.

3. Use oven: place method (2) in a baking bowl, and bake in oven at 160˚C on the upper and lower element for about 20 minutes. Or use ordinary thin pan and line with the ingredients in an even, thin layer. It is easier and quicker to bake.

4. In a Durotherm, hot pan or good quality frying pan: add 2T of olive oil in pan to grease the whole surface, reduce heat to medium until the oil is smoking, add method (2) and spread evenly. Cover and reduce heat to low and fry for about 10 minutes, remove from outer pan and simmer for 4 minutes until done. Ready to serve.

Tips for a Perfect Dish
1. Parmesan cheese and ham are seasoned with salt already, adjust the portion of the salt when seasoning.

2. For a better and stronger flavor, purchase the whole chunk of parmesan cheese and grate right before cooking.
