
This dish is one of the most popular dishes during New Year,
wonderful in banquets or parties.


3.使用休閒鍋:蝦由背部劃開、取出腸泥後剝開蝦肉,淋上白酒、撒上少許黑胡椒粉、鹽,塗上大蒜奶油,放入鍋內,蓋上鍋蓋以小火煮約3分鐘。鋪上做法2. 後再蓋上鍋蓋,小火煮3分鐘讓起司融化,上桌前撒上巴西里裝飾。

【完美烹調寶典Tips for a Perfect Dish】



4 large shrimps or prawns, 2T diced pumpkin, 2T diced beefsteak tomato, 1/2T minced garlic, 1T minced onion, 2T canned mushrooms (water removed and diced), 1/2T garlic flavored butter (see methods on p.127), parsley as needed, 4T mozzarella cheese, 2T white wine, black pepper and salt as needed

1.Heat pan over medium, add 1/2T of olive oil until smoking, then stir-fry minced garlic and onion until fragrant. Add diced pumpkin until done, add diced mushrooms and tomato to mix. Season with black pepper and salt to taste.
2.Devein shrimp and spread the shrimp wide, drizzel with white wine and sprinkle with black pepper and salt
to taste, then brush with garlic flavor butter on top. Bake in oven at 220˚C on the upper and lower element until half done. Remove and spread with method (1), and sprinkle with cheese powder, then return to oven and continue baking until cheese melt. Remove and sprinkle with parsley to garnish before serving.
3.In a hot pan: Devein shrimp and spread shrimp wide, drizzle with white wine and sprinkle with black pepper and salt to taste, then brush with garlic flavor butter on surface. Return to pan and cover. Cook over low heat for about 3 minutes. Spread method (2) on top, then cover and continue cooking on low for 3 more minutes until cheese melts. Remove and sprinkle with parsley to garnish before serving.

Tips for a Perfect Dish
1.Cheese can purchased at ordinary supermarkets. Select any cheese as desired.
2.Use smaller shrimp instead of large ones or pawns to prepare party dishes as they look cuter.
3.Shrimp is sweet itself, do not add too much salt since the garlic flavor butter and cheese are already salty.
